The Story Related To The Naga Flag, The Wave Flag And The Crocodile Flag

The Naga flag. the wave flag and the crocodile flag do not exist only in this
period and the Khmer people all over the country always use them, but with different
descriptions. As for the people living in Serei  Saophoan district, they relate these flags to the
following stories:

            The Naga Flag – The Wave Flag

At that time, our Buddha already attained nirvana. Due to their deep gratitude to the Buddha. all the Buddhist believers with the purpose of Promoting the Buddhist religion planned to jointly build the Cholamony Chedei stupa at a suitable place to bury the Buddha’s ashes, so they started doing it right away.

            Then. Meareathireach (The devil) Came to obstruct the construction by making some people have stomachache, some have headache, some have shivering fever and some have swollen face. They groaned and cried with pain noisily. The foreman ran to tell Preah Upakuthe: "Reverend, sir, when all the workers were doing their work, they have suddenly contracted different kinds of illnesses and they can not work now." Preah Upakut, who was very powerful, understood at once that it was none other than the devil, so he went to recite magic words and sprinkled the magic water over those sick workers, driving away all the illnesses. The devil could not do anything, so he transformed himself into a man to ask Preah Upakut to ordain
him as a monk. Before allowing him to be ordained, Freak Upakut asked the man a lot of questions. That man said: "I come to ask to be ordained out of my pure heart and not in an attempt to ruin the Buddhist religion."Preah Upakm said to that man: "If you wish to be ordained with pure heart, this robe will retain its original shape, but if you wantto be ordained in order to defeat us who are Buddhist believers, this robe will turn into a dog's
carrion on your neck which no one can remove it." Then, Preah Upakut put a robe on that man. The robe turned into a dog's carrion and the devil in disguise ran away to ask everybody for help, but no one could remove it from his body. Preah Upakut said to those Buddhist believers: "The main purpose of this devil, who turned himself into a man and asked to be ordained is to defeat us all, who are the Buddhist believers, including me, but this devil will surely be outwitted by my power." The devil being tied by the dog's carrion could not find anybody to
help him, so he came back and knelt down to surrender himself to Pram Upakut and repented his mistakes. He begged Preah Upakut: “Please forgive me and unfasten the tie for me’ Sin" Preah Upakut defeated the devil by using different ways and means and he tied the devil to the top of the Vulture Peak Mountain. The devil was so furious that he tried to break the tie with all his might, Preah Upakur's elastic tie stretched out about a few meters and then it drew back. bringing along the devil, to bump against the mountain's rock for three times because it was a magic elastic tie. Running out of ideas. the devil sobbed out: "When the Buddha was alive, no disciples bullied me in such a Way. Only this Preah Upakut bullies me very badly." Hearing what the devil had said, Preah Upakul saith "You must not such dirty duds any more from this day on." The devil replied: “I will not do any harm any more. Please untie the siting!" Preali UPakut stated: "From this day on, don't disturb any religious festival!" The devil replied: "I
will remember that in mind. Please save me right now because I can not bear this stench, or it will choke me to death!" Prcah Upaku! repealed: "When the people hold a religious ceremony
according to the Buddhist religion and they set up a wave flag or a naga flag as a sign. you must not cause any trouble to it. Instead. you should support it.

            This is the reason why the Khmer people always put up a wave flag or a naga flag as a sign to let other people know that a religious ceremony is being held here. On the other hand, this flag has different forms according to the maker’s designs.

The Crocodile Flag

At that time, the master of the universe was called krong pealy. After attaining enlightenment
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